Past Conferences

Looking for something from a recent conference?

Below you’ll find a list of recent conferences offering forest landowner educational opportunities. Where available, the presentations from these conferences have been posted for your review. If you would like to add additional resources to these conferences, please send them to [email protected].

February 27th, 2024 Forest Health in Oregon: State of the State 2024

8:30am - 12:00pm

Forest Health in Oregon: State of the State 2024 

Oregon faces many forest health challenges. Recent articles have shed light on significant issues such as megafires, sudden oak death outbreaks and the threats of invasive species in our forests.

This webinar series will update participants on the current condition of Oregon’s forests, forest health trends, challenges, current research and possible solutions. Geared to foresters, forest managers, woodland owners, students and others with an interest in forest health, the webinars will provide a blend of current information and practical applications on how to manage a healthy forest.

The webinar series is brought to you by the Oregon Forest Resources Institute, the Oregon State University Forestry & Natural Resources Extension (College of Forestry), and the Oregon departments of forestry and agriculture.

Dates: Tuesday, February 27, 2024 & Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Time: 8:30 AM – 12:30 PM


More information: flyer

Video recordings: recordings


Day 1 Agenda

Invasive Species in Oregon's Forests | Moderator - Cody Holthouse, ODA

8:35 AM | Emerald Ash Borer Update - Wyatt Williams, ODF
9:05 AM | Mediterranean Oak Borer Update - Christine Buhl, ODF
9:30 AM | Invasive Pathogens Update - Gabi Ritokova, ODF
10:00 AM | Invasive Species Concerns - What to Do if You Have an Issue? - Dan Stark, OSU

Health of Oregon’s Forests Westside of Cascades - Moderator- Dan Stark, OSU

10:15 AM | Summary of Aerial Detection Survey in Oregon - Tim Bryant, USFS
10:45 AM | Douglas Fir Decline Complex and Mortality in SW Oregon - Laura Lowery, USFS & Bill Kuhn, USFS
11:05 AM | West Side Conifers (including Swiss needle cast) - David Shaw, OSU
11:25 AM | West Side Hardwoods - Glenn Ahrens, OSU

Day 2 Agenda

Health of Oregon’s Forests Eastside of Cascades - Moderator- Margaret Miller, OFRI 

8:35 AM | Forest Insects and Elevated Fir Mortality in Eastern Oregon - Robbie Flowers, USFS
9:05 AM | Elevated Fir Mortality and Forest Diseases in Eastern Oregon - Brent Oblinger, USFS

Fire and Forest Health - Moderator- Carrie Berger, OSU

9:45 AM | Why Fire is Important for Ecosystem Health? - Kerry Metlen, TNC
10:15 AM | Landowner Perspective on Prescribed Fire and Forest Health - Rich Fairbanks
10:45 AM | Reducing Wildfire Severity: Lessons from the Bootleg Fire - Craig Bienz, TNC
11:05 AM | West Side Fire Regimes - Andrew Merschel, OSU
11:25 AM | Simulating Future Fire in a Changing Climate - John Kim, USFS
11:45 AM | Fire and Forest Health Initiatives Across Oregon - Margaret Miller, OFRI

This webinar series has been approved for 6.5 Cat. 1 Society of American Forester credits
and 8 Oregon Professional Logger maintenance credits.


March 11-12th, 2021 Trees To Tap Virtual Conference

Trees to Tap: Forest management and community drinking water systems in Oregon
March 11 & March 12, 2021

This virtual conference reviewed the Trees to Tap Science Review using a mix of science presentations given by the project scientists and management presentations given by forestry and water professionals, regulators and conservationist. Science presentations gave a high level summary of the Trees to Tap findings in each topic covered. Management presentations gave a top level finding followed by practical discussion of how to account for the findings in practice.

Thursday, March 11, 2021

Welcome & Introduction (watch it)
Mike Cloughesy, OFRI

Forestry and Forest Management and Community Drinking Water Systems in Oregon (watch it)
Moderator: Mike Cloughesy, OFRI
Dr. Jon Souder, OSU - Description of the context of forest management in Oregon
Dr. Emily Jane Davis - Description of water utility survey and concerns
Stephanie Reid, City of Lincoln City  - Description of the range of systems, the processes used to treat drinking water and the survey of community drinking water providers

Case Study – Oceanside Water District  (watch it)
Summary of the case study with emphasis on a recent example of communication and interaction between the forest manager, the water utility and the state of Oregon. 
Moderator: Jeff Behan, Institute for Natural Resources
Dr. Emily Jane Davis, Oregon State University 
Jon Wehage, Stimson Lumber
Paul Newman, Oceanside Water District
Joshua Seeds, Oregon DEQ

Breakout Session 1 Reports (watch it)
Moderator: Lisa Gaines, INR

Forest Chemicals (watch it)
Summary of the science review on forest chemicals followed by practical presentations on managing forests and water systems to minimize forest chemical in source water by forestry and water professionals.
Moderator: Mike Cloughesy, OFRI
Dr. Jon Souder, OSU 
Jay Walters, ODF 
Whitney Henneman, C&D Lumber  
Karl Morgenstern, EWEB 

Friday, March 12, 2021

Sediment and Turbidity (watch it)
Summary of the science review on sediment and turbidity followed bypractical presentations on managing forests and treating water to minimize sediment.
Moderator: Shannon Murray; Continuing & Professional Education Program Coordinator, Oregon State University
Dr. Kevin Bladon; Associate Professor of Hydrology, Oregon State University
Jennifer Beathe; Forester and Outreach Manager, Starker Forests
Melanie Dunne; Executive Director, Coquille Watershed Association

Assessment of Wildfire Exposure to Public Water Supply Areas (watch it)
Description of the assessment and how the information can be used by water utilities and regulators
Moderator: Jon Souder, OSU
Michelle Day, USFS & Chris Ringo, OSU

Ashland Case Study (watch it)
Fire risk reduction strategies in practice as part of the Ashland Forest Resiliency Project 
Moderator: Dr. Emily Jane Davis, OSU
Chris Chambers, Ashland Fire Department 
Donna Mickley, Siskiyou Mountain Ranger District
Marko Bey, Lomakatsi Restoration Project

Water Quantity (watch it)
Summary of the science review on water quantity followed by practical presentations on managing for a range of water yields by forestry and water professionals.
Moderator: Jon Souder, OSU
Dr. Kevin Bladon, OSU
Dr. Shreejita Basu, Sustainable Northwest

Breakout Session 2 Reports (watch it)
Moderator: Lisa Gaines, INR

Conclusion & Wrap Up (watch it)
Dr. Jon Souder, OSU and Mike Cloughesy, OFRI

June 20th, 2019 2019 OSWA Annual Meeting

At this year's OSWA annual meeting, the theme was Research Policies, and Programs for Family Forestland Management. Thanks to everyone for participating in three days of engaging and informative events and a great opportunity to visit with neighbors and friends.

Welcome by Mike Cloughesy

Session One – Fire Panel
Fire in PNW Landscapes—Past, Present and Future
Jane Kertis – Ecologist, Northwest Oregon Ecology Group, US Forest Service

Cross-Boundary, Landscape-Scale Restoration and Wildfire Risk Reduction: Experiences from Southern Oregon
Dan Leavell – OSU Forestry & Natural Resources Extension Agent, Klamath and Lake Counties

2019 Fire Season & Beyond
Doug Grafe – Chief of Fire Protection, Oregon Department of Forestry

Session Two – Carbon Panel

Oregon Forest Carbon Overview
Peter Daugherty – Oregon State Forester

Oregon Forest Ecosystem Carbon Report
Glenn Christensen - Forester, USFS Forest Inventory & Analysis

Carbon Sequestration in Wood Products
Andrew Yost – Ecologist, Oregon Department of Forestry

Session Three – Forestry Education Panel

Impact Educators, Impact the Future
Lee Ann Mikkelson, Director, Oregon Natural Resource Education Program

Telling the Family Forest Story
Anna Yarbrough – Consulting Forester, Free Range Forestry, LLC

Mountaincrest Forest Conservation Easement
Connie Best – CEO The Pacific Forest Trust

Session Four - Wildlife Research

Uncovering the Secret World of a Secretive Seabird
Lindsay Adrean – Lead Faculty Research Assistant, Oregon State University

June 29th, 2018 OSWA 2018 Annual Meeting

8:00am - 8:30pm

“Managing Family Forests into the Future”
Oregon Small Woodlands Association
2018 Annual Meeting
June 29, 2018


Social License to Practice Forestry
Todd Payne, CEO Seneca Family of Companies

Legislative Outlook for 2019
Roger Beyer, OSWA lobbyist

Climate Change for Oregon Forests
Kathie Dello, Oregon State University

The Health of Oregon's Forests
Dave Shaw, OSU Extension

Forest Pollinators
Jim Rivers, Oregon State University

Global Wood Supply and Log Prices
Gordon Culbertson, Forest2Market

Smoke Management Rules for Prescribed Fire
Scott Hanson, OSWA Rep. on ODF Smoke Management Committee

Glyphosate and Cancer Risk
Jeff Jenkins, Oregon State University

FPA Requirements for using Herbicides on Forestland
Dan Menk, Oregon Department of Forestry

Importance of Grassroots Engagement
Katie Fast, Oregonians for Food and Shelter

Trees in Winter: Making Maple Syrup
Barb Lachenbruch


October 19th, 2017 Forest Carnivores and Their Habitats

Badge for carnivore workshop

This workshop, designed for forest landowners and wildlife biologists, focused on several forest-dwelling carnivore species in Oregon that are currently being considered for listing under the Endangered Species Act. The event, hosted by the Oregon Forest Resources Institute, highlighted the need for collaboration between forestry and wildlife professionals to find ways to manage landscapes to protect the fisher, the Pacific marten and the Sierra Nevada red fox.

Julie Woodward, Oregon Forest Resources Institute

Defining the issue: Forest carnivore policy and implications for forest landowners
Jim Thrailkill, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Carnivore Working Group update
Derek Broman, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife

The marten story in Oregon
Katie Moriarty, U.S. Forest Service

The fisher story in Oregon
Sean Matthews, Oregon State University

Sierra Nevada red fox status update in Oregon
Cate Quinn, University of California, Davis

Landowner case study: Humboldt marten on a managed forest landscape
Desiree Early, Green Diamond Resource Co.

Food webs and the recovery of the fisher and marten in Oregon
Taal Levi, Oregon State University

Maximizing the biological value of structural retention
Sean Sultaire, Michigan State University, and
Jake Verschuyl, National Council for Air and Stream Improvement

CCAA agreements and what this means for landowners
Jody Caicoo, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Implications for forest landowners: Integrating science and management
Jessica Homyack, Weyerhaeuser Co.


Full Symposium Agenda
Program Abstracts and Bios
Poster Abstracts and Bios
News Release


May 2nd, 2017 Private Forestland Partnerships in Eastern Oregon

Private forestland owners and partners in eastern Oregon have been increasingly working together to overcome common challenges and achieve shared goals. These partnerships have taken several forms, such as a landowner cooperative to sell timber, and all-lands fuels reduction and restoration projects across ownerships. These efforts differ in how they are organized, but share a focus on bringing together multiple properties and partners in the pursuit of markets, contractors, restoration funding, or other means to manage local forests. 

This meeting was designed based on feedback from a survey of forestland owners and partners. It seeks to blend information-sharing and presentations with time for conversation. It is organized by Oregon State University’s Forestry and Natural Resources Extension Service, with assistance from Oregon Forest Resources Institute, Oregon Department of Forestry, American Forest Foundation, and Wallowa Resources.



Welcome and workshop overview : Meeting Summary and Notes

Blue Mountains Forest Cooperative
Speakers: Steve Edwards (landowner and Coop member), Bob Parker (Oregon State University Extension)
Discussion leader: Paul Oester (Oregon State University)
Presentation coming

East Face of the Elkhorn Partnership
Speakers: Jana Peterson (Oregon Department of Forestry), Gary Wright (Contractor), Bill Gamble (Wallowa-Whitman National Forest)
Discussion leader: Emily Jane Davis (Oregon State University Extension)
Presentation 1
Presentation 2 
Ritter Land Management Team
Speakers: Roje Gootee (advisor to RLMT), Jim Kennedy (Ritter area landowner)
Discussion leader: Ryan Gordon (Oregon Department of Forestry)

Improving Market Opportunities for Woodland Owners
Speakers: Chuck Sarrett (Consultant), Butch Tanzey (Contractor), Lindsay Warness (Boise Cascade Company)
Discussion leader: Steve Edwards (landowner and Coop member)

An Update on Value-Added Forest Products Businesses and Programs
Speakers: Dylan Kruse (Sustainable Northwest), David Schmidt (Integrated Biomass Resources)
Discussion leader: Nils Christoffersen (Wallowa Resources)

My Blue Mountain Woodland
Speakers: Nils Christoffersen and Jennifer Hobbs (Wallowa Resources)
Discussion leader: Mike Cloughsey (Oregon Forest Resources Institute)

Wrapping up and next steps
Discussion leaders: Mike Cloughsey (Oregon Forest Resources Institute) and Ryan Gordon (Oregon Department of Forestry)