Forest Health
A healthy forest is a productive forest
Maintaining a healthy forest is an important objective for most forestland owners. In this section, we provide resources to help answer questions about forest health, such as:
- Are your trees healthy or not? How can you tell?
- What are the most common tree health problems, and why do they occur?
- How can you maintain healthy trees and prevent future problems?
For more information, please conact: Oregon State University Extension Forest Health Specialist |
Check out Forest Health in Oregon: State of the State 2022 conference presentations!
Interested in previous years? State of the State 2020 conference presentations! Want more? Read this blog post for a summary of the 2020 conference, "A healthy forest is no accident."
Check out Forest Health Summary for the Pacific Northwest Region 2022 Story Map created by USDA Forest Service: Forest Health Protection, Oregon Department of Forestry,
and Washington State Department of Natural Resources.
Sources Key: ODF- Oregon Department of Forestry; USFS- USDA Forest Service; OSU- Oregon State University; FIDL- Forest Insect and Disease Leaflet (USFS); WSU- Washington State University; UC- University of California; NRC- Natural Resources Canada; CSU- Colorado State University; FP- Forest Pests Website; USDA APHIS- USDA APHIS; NAPPO- North American Plant Protection Organization
General Forest Health Information
Explore these links to find general forest health information and individual publication on specific diseases and insects.
- Goheen, E.M. and E.A. Willhite. 2006. Field guide to common diseases and insect pests of Oregon and Washington conifers. R6-NR-FID-PR-01-06. Portland, OR: USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Region. 327 p. Available from U.S. Government Printing Office at www.gpo.gov.
- Shaw, D.C., P.T. Oester, and G.M. Filip. 2009. Managing Insects and Diseases of Oregon Conifers. Oregon State University Extension Service, EM 8980. To purchase visit OSU Extension’s online catalog at http://extension.oregonstate.edu/catalog/ and search for publication EM8980.
- USDA Forest Service Forest Insect and Disease Leaflets
- USDA Forest Service Forest Pacific Northwest Insects and Diseases
- USDA Forest Service Forest Health Highlights in Oregon in 2022
- USDA Forest Service Forest Health Protection Mapping and Reporting
- USDA Forest Service Field Guide to Diseases and Insect Pests of Northern and Central Rocky Mountain Conifers
- Oregon Department of Forestry Website (forest health fact sheets and maps)
- Oregon State University College of Forestry. The College of Forestry has a Forestry and Natural Resources Extension Program that has several practical publications on forest health issues. You can obtain these publications in hard copy from your local OSU Extension office.
- Oregon Forest Resources Institute Learning Library
- Forest Health in the Columbia River Gorge
- Washington Department of Natural Resources Forest Health
- Tree Care (OSU Extension)
- Forest Pests of North America Website
- Identifying and Managing Christmas Tree Diseases, Pests, and Other Problems (OSU PNW659)
Tree Specific Resources
- Common Insect Pests and Diseases of Sitka Spruce on the Oregon Coast (OSU EM9105)
- Disease and Insect Pests of Pacific Madrone (OSU EC1619)
- Common Insect Pests and Diseases of Shore Pine on the Oregon Coast (OSU EM9008)
- Pruning Western White Pine: A Vital Tool for Species Restoration (OSU PNW584)
- Biology and Control of Douglas-fir Needle Midge in Christmas Trees (OSU EC1373)
General Disease Resources
Root Diseases
- Root Disease Resources (USFS)
- Root Diseases in Oregon and Washington Conifers (USDA Forest Service)
- Annosus Root Disease (ODF)
- Annosus Root Disease (FIDL172)
- Armillaria Root Disease (ODF)
- Armillaria Root Disease (FIDL78)
- Black Stain Root Disease (ODF)
- Black Stain Root Disease (FIDL145)
- Laminated Root Rot (ODF)
- Laminated Root Rot (FIDL159)
- Laminated Root Rot in Western North America (USFS)
- Port Orford Cedar Root Disease (see Invasive Species Tab)
- Recognizing Laminated Root Rot on Stumps (USFS)
- Sudden Oak Death (see Invasive Species Tab)
- Tomentosus Root Rot (USFS)
Rots and Decays
- Managing Tree Wounding and Stem Decay in Oregon Forests (OSU EC1519)
- Brown Crumbly Rot Management Notes (USFS)
- Brown Trunk Rot Management Notes (USFS)
- Brown Cubical Rot Management Notes (USFS)
- Ganoderma Root Rot (Pacific Northwest Extension Publication)
- Gray-Brown Saprot (USFS)
- Gray Saprot Management Notes (USFS)
- Heart Rots of Incense-Cedar (FIDL30)
- Mottled Rot Management Notes (USFS)
- Pecky Rot Management Notes (USFS)
- Red Ring Rot Management Notes (USFS)
- Red Rod of Ponderosa Pine (FIDL123)
- Rust Red Stringy Rot Caused by Indian Paint Fungus (FIDL93)
- Rust Red Stringy Rot Management Notes (USFS)
- Schweinitzii Root and Butt Rot (FIDL177)
- White Mottled Rot Management Notes (USFS)
- White Pocket Root and Butt Rot Management Notes (USFS)
- White Trunk Rot of Aspen Management Notes (USFS)
- Yellow Brown Top Rot Management Notes (USFS)
Foliage Diseases
- Brown Felt Blight Management Notes (USFS)
- Cedar Leaf Blight Management Notes (USFS)
- Diplodia Tip Blight (Pacific Northwest Extension Publication)
- Dothistroma Needle Blight of Pines (FIDL143)
- Elytroderma Disease of Ponderosa Pine (FIDL42)
- Elytroderma Needle Blight (ODF)
- Larch Needle Cast Management Notes (USFS)
- Larch Needle Cast (ODF)
- Lophodermella Needle Cast (USFS)
- Red Band Needle Blight Management Notes (USFS)
- Rhabdocline Needle Cast Management Notes (USFS)
- Swiss Needle Cast Cooperative (OSU Extension)
- Swiss Needle Cast (FIDL181)
- Swiss Needle Cast Management Notes (USFS)
- Swiss Needle Cast Fact Sheet (OSU Extension)
- Swiss Needle Cast (ODF)
- Astropellis Canker Management Notes (USFS)
- Cankers (Forest Pathology Website)
- Cankers on Western Quaking Aspen (FIDL152)
- Hypoxylon Canker of Aspen (FIDL6)
- Phomopsis Canker of Douglas-fir Management Notes (USFS)
- Pitch Canker (UC)
- Comandra Blister Rust Management Notes (USFS)
- Comandra Blister Rust of Hard Pines (FIDL62)
- Fir Broom Rust Management Notes (USFS)
- Incense Cedar Rust Management Notes (USFS)
- Spruce Broom Rust Management Notes (USFS)
- Spruce Cone Rust Management Notes (USFS)
- Stalactiform Rust Management Notes (USFS)
- Western Gall Rust Management Notes (USFS)
- White Pine Blister Rust (see Invasive Species Tab)
Seedling Diseases
- Damping Off Management Notes (USFS)
- Fusarium Root Rot Management Notes (USFS)
- Gray Mold Management Notes (USFS)
- Nursery Diseases of Western Conifers (FIDL157)
- Phytophthora Root Rots of Seedlings Management Notes (USFS)
General Insect Resources
- Pacific Northwest Insect Management Handbook
- Pacific Northwest Nursery Integrated Pest Management Website
- Furniss, R.L., and V.M. Carolin. 1977. Western Forest Insects. USDA Forest Service, Misc. Pub. #1339. Washington, D.C.
- Identifying Insects and Arthropods in Oregon (OSU EC1630)
- Wood, D.L., Koerber, T.W., Scharpf, R.F. and A.J. Storer. 2003. Pests of the Native California Conifers. California Natural History Guide Series No. 70. University of California Press. 233 p.
Bark Beetles
- Bark and Wood Boring Beetles of the World Website
- California Fivespined Ips (FIDL102)
- Cedar Bark Beetle Management Guide (USFS)
- Douglas-fir Beetle (FIDL5)
- Douglas-fir Beetle (ODF)
- Fir Engraver (FIDL13)
- Fir Engraver (ODF)
- Ips Bark Beetle (ODF)
- Jeffrey Pine Beetle (FIDL11)
- Mountain Pine Beetle (FIDL2)
- Mountain Pine Beetle (ODF)
- Mountain and Western Pine Beetle Animated Tree Mortality Maps (USFS)
- Pine Engraver Management Guide (USFS)
- Red Turpentine Beetle (USFS)
- Roundheaded Pine Beetle (FIDL155)
- Spruce Beetle (FIDL127)
- Western Pine Beetle (FIDL1)
- Western Pine Beetle (ODF)
Wood Borers
- Ambrosia Beetles of Western Conifers (FIDL170)
- Asian Longhorned Beetle (see Invasive Species Tab)
- Bronze Birch Borer (FIDL111)
- Bronze Birch Borer (ODF)
- Carpenter Ants (OSU)
- Citrus Longhorned Beetle (see Invasive Species Tab)
- Emerald Ash Borer (see Invasive Species Tab)
- Flatheaded Fir Borer (ODF)
- Golden Buprestid (OSU)
- Horntail- Wood Wasp (USFS)
- Pacific Powderpost Beetle (Pacific Northwest Extension Publication)
- Pacific Dampwood Termite (OSU)
- Poplar-and-Willow Borer (OSU)
- Sawyer Beetles (ODF)
- Sequoia Pitch Moth (ODF)
- Sirex Woodwasp (USFS)
- Western Cedar Borer (USDA)
- Western Larch Borer Managment Guide (USFS)
- Western Subterranean Termite (OSU)
- White-spotted Sawyer (FIDL74)
- Wood Wasps and Horntails (UC)
- Asian Gypsy Moth (see Invasive Species Tab)
- Brownlined Looper (NRC)
- Common Emerald (Natural Resources Canada)
- Cypress Tip Moth (OSU)
- Douglas-fir Tussock Moth (FIDL86)
- Douglas-fir Tussock Moth (ODF)
- Douglas-fir Tussock Moth Trap Catches in Oregon (USFS)
- Egira simplex (NRC)
- Elm Leaf Beetle (FP)
- Enypia griseata (NRC)
- Eupithecia unicolor (NRC)
- European Pine Shoot Moth (see Invasive Species Tab)
- Fall Webworm (ODF)
- False Hemlock Looper (USFS)
- Feralia comstocki (NRC)
- Filament Bearer (NRC)
- Forest Tent Caterpillar (FIDL9)
- Gabriola dyari (NRC)
- Gray Spruce Looper (NRC)
- Greenstriped Forest Looper (NRC)
- Gypsy Moth (see Invasive Species Tab)
- Hemlock Sawfly (FIDL31)
- Larch Casebearer (FIDL96)
- Larch Casebearer (ODF)
- Larch Sawfly (FIDL8)
- Leafmining Insects (CSU)
- Lodgepole Needleminer (USFS)
- Neodiprion mundus (FIDL179)
- Nepytia umbrosaria nigrovenaria (NRC)
- Northern Pitch Twig Moth (NRC)
- Phantom Hmelock Looper (NRC)
- Pine Butterfly (USFS)
- Pine Butterfly (ODF)
- Pine Butterfly (FIDL66)
- Pine Needle Sheathminer (FIDL65)
- Ponderosa Pine Budworm (CSU)
- Ponderosa Pine Needleminer (USFS)
- Sabulodea edwardsata (NRC)
- Saddleback Looper (NRC)
- Satin Moth (see Invasive Species Tab)
- Silver-Spotted Tiger Moth (ODF)
- Spear-Marked Black Moth (FIDL156)
- Syngrapha celsa (NRC)
- Tolype dayi (NRC)
- Western Blackheaded Budworm (USFS)
- Western Hemlock Looper (USFS)
- Western Spruce Budworm (FIDL53)
- Western Spruce Budworm (ODF)
- Management of Spruce Budworm (USFS)
- Defoliation Maps of Western Spruce Budworm (USFS)
- Western Tent Caterpillar (FIDL119)
- Western Tent Caterpillar (ODF)
Seed and Cone Insects
- Conifer Cone Pests (ODF)
- Douglas-fir Cone Midge Management Guide (USFS)
- Douglas-fir Coneworm (OSU)
- Douglas-fir Seed Chalcid Management Guide (USFS)
- Fir Coneworm (Pacific Northwest Extension Publication)
- Spruce and Larch Bud Moths (USFS)
Shoot and Twig Insects
- Conifer Weevils (ODF)
- Lodgepole and White Pine Terminal Weevil (USFS)
- Sitka Spruce Weevil (FIDL47)
- Western Pine Shoot Borer (ODF)
- White Pine Weevil (FIDL21)
- White Pine Weevil (OSU)
Sucking Insects
- Balsam Woolly Adelgid and Cooley Spruce Gall Adelgid (ODF)
- Black Pineleaf Scale (ODF)
- Black Pineleaf Scale (FIDL91)
- Boxelder Bugs (CSU)
- Hemlock Woolly Adelgid (see Invasive Species Tab)
- Pine Needle Scale (USFS)
- Spruce Aphid (ODF)
- Douglas-fir Dwarf Mistletoe Fact Sheet (USFS)
- Hemlock Dwarf Mistletoe (FIDL135)
- Hemlock Dwarf Mistletoe Management (USFS)
- Larch Dwarf Mistletoe (FIDL169)
- Larch Dwarf Mistletoe Management (USFS)
- Lodgepole Pine Dwarf Mistletoe (FIDL18)
- Lodgepole Pine Dwarf Mistletoe Management (USFS)
- True Fir Dwarf Mistletoe (FIDL89)
- True Fir Dwarf Mistletoe Management (USFS)
- True Mistletoes (Hardwoods) (FIDL147)
- True Mistletoe Management (USFS)
- Western Dwarf Mistletoe Management (USFS)
- Dwarf Mistletoe of Ponderosa Pine (FIDL40)
Invasive Species
General Invasive Species
- Oregon Invasive Species Council Website
- USDA Forest Service Invasive Species Resources
- Oregon Forest Pest Detector Website and Training
- Oregon Forest Pest Detectors Field Guide (OSU EM9127)
- Invasive and Exotic Species of North America Website
- The Hidden Threat in Firewood: Invasive Forest Pests (OSU EM9137)
- Port Orford Cedar Root Disease (FIDL131)
- Port Orford Cedar Root Rot Management Notes (USFS)
- Sudden Oak Death Management Guide (OSU EM8877)
- California Oak Mortality Task Force Website
- Sudden Oak Death Webpage (ODF)
- Sudden Oak Death (ODF)
- Sudden Oak Death Pamphlet (OSU EC1608)
- Sudden Oak Death Fact Sheet (OSU EC1607)
- Sudden Oak Death and Phytophthora ramorum: A Guide for Forest Managers, Christmas Tree Growers, and Forest Tree Nursery Operators in Oregon and Washington (OSU EM8877)
- White Pine Blister Rust (USFS)
Noxious weeds
- Oregon Noxious Weed List (ODF)
- Invasive Weed Identification and Management (OSU EC1563)
- PNW Weed Management Handbook
- Asian Spongy (Gypsy) Moth Learning Resources (OSU)
- Asian Longhorned Beetle (USFS)
- Asian Longhorned Beetle (USDA APHIS)
- Citrus Longhorned Beetle (NAPPO)
- Emerald Ash Borer (USFS)
- Emerald Ash Borer (USDA APHIS)
- Emerald Ash Borer (ODF)
- Emerald Ash Borer National Website
- European Pine Shoot Moth (FIDL59)
- Goldspotted Oak Borer (UC)
- Gypsy Moth (USDA APHIS)
- Gypsy Moth (FIDL162)
- Hemlock Woolly Adegid (USFS)
- Satin Moth (Pacific Northwest Extension Publication)
Vertebrate Damage
- Black Bear Damage to Forest Trees in Northwest Oregon (ODF)
- Identifying and Managing Mountain Beaver Damage to Forest Resources (OSU EM9063)
- Meadow Voles and Pocket Gophers: Management in lawns, gardens, and croplands (OSU PNW627)
Abiotic Damage
- Abiotic Injury to Forest Trees in Oregon (OSU EC1501)
- Blowdown in Western Oregon (ODF)
- Drought Stress in Conifers (ODF)
- Climate Change and Forest Health Website
- USDA Forest Service Forest Health Protection and Global Climate Change Website
- Oregon Climate Change Research Institute