Landowner Signage
Each year in Oregon, forest landowners plant 30 to 40 million tree seedlings to replace those harvested. With your help, Oregon Forest Resources Institute wants to educate the public about the effort to ensure abundant forests will be here for generations to come. To do this, we have implemented a landowner sign program. Our goal is to place signs in harvested and replanted units along heavily travelled roadways throughout the state.
PLANTED signs will help the driving public understand that trees have been planted, even though they may not be able to see the seedlings at 55 MPH. From research and contact with Oregonians, we know that replanting after harvest is the biggest concern they have about active forest management. The details of the program follow:
- OFRI provides 60" x 17" signs for replanted sites. One sign is provided for every replanted parcel that is facing a well-travelled roadway.
- Signs are individually ordered, so we can provide signs for any four-digit year.
- Signs are white with green letters and read “Planted (and the year).”
- Signs are pre-drilled and shipped with nuts and bolts.
- Each landowner needs to supply two steel posts six foot tall.
- The signs can be installed on private property only, not in the public right-of-way. Care should be taken to ensure that they do not block motorist visibility.
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Tree Identification Interpretive Signage
The Oregon Forest Resources Institute has created an interpretive tree identification program. The signs are designed, the supporting website is active, and now the pieces are ready and free for you to use!
Here’s what you’ll find in this program packet:
- Actual size, print-ready files for 15 common Oregon tree species
- A QR code for 45 tree species
- A mobile webpage for each tree species with a detailed description of each tree
It’s a simple and instant way to add interpretive signage to your forest, park or architectural interiors.