What's That Tree?
Identifying the trees on your forestland
Travelling across the state, you would soon discover that Oregon is home to a wide range of trees. There are 30 native coniferous species and 37 native species of broadleaf trees. Oregon varies greatly in terms of elevation, temperature, wind, rainfall and soil composition. Combinations of all these factors help determine the dominant tree species of an area.
For more information, please contact:
Norma Kline, Oregon State University Extension Agent (Coos and Curry Co) Peter Matzka, Extension Forestry Educator (Hopkins Demonstration Forest) |
OSU Extension Service Publications
Oregon State University Extension has several practical publications to get you started. You can get these publications in hard copy from your local OSU Extension office, or online at Extension and Experiment Station Communications.
-Trees to Know in Oregon. Contains keys to identifying common conifer and broadleaf trees and discusses ornamental, shade, and fruit trees as well.
-Shrubs to Know in Pacific Northwest Forests. This publication features 100 of the most common shrubs that grow in and around Pacific Northwest forests--from southern British Columbia to northern California and from the Pacific Ocean to the northern Rockies.
-Online Tree Guide. A guide to the most common native tree species in Oregon. From the Oregon Forest Resources Institute.