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Curry County

Curry County

Family forestland owners account for 75,000 of the 763,000 total acres of timberland in Curry county.

  • Curry County Soil and Water 
    Conservation District

    Name: Liesl Coleman
    Phone: 541-247-2755 ext. 0#

  • Lower Rogue Watershed Council

    Phone: 541-247-2755

    Coquille Watershed Association

    Name: Leah Corral
    Phone: 541-396-2541
    Email: [email protected]

    South CoastWatershed Council

    Phone: 541-247-2755
    Email: [email protected]

    Chetco Watershed Council

    Email: [email protected]

    Elk-Sixes Watershed Council

    Phone: 541-332-4772

  •  County Economic Factsheet