Pollinator Habitat
Wildlife in Managed Forests: Native Bees
This 24-page booklet offers forest landowners and managers an introduction to the vast variety of native bees that are found in Oregon’s forests. This booklet provides a background and context for better understanding of the role managed forests play in providing habitat for native bees. The reader will learn about the threats to native bees, current research and will learn techniques to provide habitat for native bees.
Native Bee Webinar
This webinar features experts from the National Council for Air and Stream Improvement, the University of Oregon, and the Oregon Department of Forestry, discussing the latest research related to native bees in Oregon’s forests and forest management practices that benefit bees.
Wildlife in Managed Forests: Pollinators and Forestry
Pollinators are animals that move pollen between flowers of many plants, including trees, shrubs and flowering plants (forbs). In Oregon, pollinators include bees, beetles, butterflies, moths, hummingbirds, wasps and flies. What can forest managers do to help pollinators?
Forest Bee Pollinators
Our first thought of pollinators usually takes us to honeybees in agriculture. Honeybees play such a large role in agriculture that sometimes the many wild bees that occur in other habitats such as forests are overlooked. There are over 4,000 known species of wild bees in North America (O’Toole 1991), many of which are forest bee pollinators in temperate forest ecosystems. While this publication focuses on bees, there are also many other important insect and non-insect animals that serve as pollinators.
Seed Mixes for wildlife
Part of the Wildlife in Managed Forests reference series