An Educational Website for Oregon Forest Landowners.

Updated Wildlife Information

As a forest landowner, there are many things you can do to enhance wildlife habitat, from small changes to large restoration projects. The updated Wildlife and Habitat Management page provides many new resources to help you manage intentionally for wildlife on your property.

Learn More

Welcome to Your Website

In Oregon, more than 140,000 family forest landowners care for over 4.3 million acres of forestland – over 40% of Oregon’s private forestland and about 14% of Oregon’s total forestland. Your combined 2016 timber harvest was 507 million board feet or about 13% of the state’s timber harvest.

This website is a tool for the small forest landowners of Oregon. It was created by the Partnership for Forestry Education, a collaboration of state, federal and private organizations. We hope this website is your gateway to the educational opportunities that will help you really Know Your Forest.

Assistance Map

Find your county

We’ve designed an interactive map that helps you find the assistance you need quickly, based on where your forestland is located. It’s a cinch. Just find your county from the alphabetical list, click it, and we list the many agencies, organizations and support groups helpful in your area.

Try it out


These diagrams intended to help forest landowners planning a timber harvest to interpret current riparian management area prescriptions required under the Oregon Forest Practices Act.


The newly revised Fourth Edition includes Private Forest Accord updates. Oregon’s Forest Protection Laws: An Illustrated Manual has become a standard reference for those planning and executing timber harvests.


The "Family Forest Landowners Resource Guide" has been updated for 2024-25. It's a quick and easy guide to resources and assistance from state, federal private and educational institutions.